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  2024 2025
01.07 - 31.12 01.01 - 31.12
Age > 60 RM 135.00 RM 135.00
Age 18-59 RM 135.00 RM 135.00
Age 13-17 RM 135.00 RM 135.00
Age 12 RM 135.00 RM 135.00
Age 11 RM 135.00 RM 135.00
Age 0-10 RM 50.00 RM 50.00
Adult Diver RM 335.00 RM 335.00
Junior Diver RM 335.00 RM 335.00

*   1 RM = $0.31 USD
1 RM = $0.25 EUR

Mabul Island, just 20 minutes north of Sipadan Island and the last island still on the Borneo shelf before the ocean floor drops to some 800m, has been named in many diving magazines for it's popularity amongst macro photographers who look for the really rare creatures. Multicolored nudibranches, flamboyant cuttlefish, large anglerfish, seahorses, blue ribbon eel, ghost pipefish, blue ring octopus and many more are waiting to be discovered at the 8 dive spots around Mabul. Those who went to all these sites already also have a choice to combine dives at Mabul with a short hop to Kapalai, just about 10min from Mabul where more dive sites wait to be discovered.

Kapalai, at the edge of the Ligitan Reef, has been little more than a sand bank, until the construction of Sipadan-Kapalai Resort. The resort activities have prevented fisherman from intruding and thus boosted the number of fish greatly. It‘s shallow reef on the protected north end, sloping from just beneath the surface to appr. 20m, is teeming with fish life in all colors, and the sharp eyes of our dedicated divemasters can help you to spot such incredible critters like clown frogfish, mandarin fish, nudibraches, flambuoyant cuttlefish, mantis shrimp to name but a few. At the southern end of the reef a slope runs down to just about 12m where a long but narrow sandy area is a favorite hiding place for sting rays and turtles can be found resting at coral formations to both sides. By venturing further out to the deep end sightings of whitetip reef sharks are also common. Kapalai can be reached from Semporna within appr. 40 mins.